

AI Theory and Application

  AI Theory and Application group aims to develop advanced theories and methodologies of Artificial Intelligence and transform them into practical implementable technologies. The ultimate goal is to promote the economic development and enhance human well-being.
The theories under development are: (1) Development of advanced technology of Machine Learning and Data Mining (2) Theory foundation and limitation on understanding AI method (3) Model of Human and AI collaboration (4) Method of verifying AI system (5) Hardware AI.

  And on the aspect of application, there are multiple possible AI application scenarios, including: (1) Identification and retrieval of image (2) Analysis and comprehension on text (3) Identification and synthesis of voice (4) Cross-mode analysis and retrieval (5) Large-scale video data analysis (6) Chatterbot (7) Analysis on customer behavior (8) Financial technology (9) Autonomous Car.
The technologies which could proceed technology transfer or joint development are:
-Speech recognition and Speaker recognition
-Recognition based on human face. Including gender, facial expression, age, and individual.
-Natural Language Processing. Including classification, grouping, and opinion mining.
-Pattern recognition
-Video analysis
-Customer Labeling
-Classification of medical records and medical data
