Jyh-Shing Roger Jang
Professor, CSIE, NTU
Research expertise: 
music analysis/retrieval, speech recognition/scoring/synthesis, multimedia analysis/retrieval, machine learning, neural networks, fuzzy logic
Jyh-Shing Roger Jang received his Ph.D. from the EECS Department at the University of California, Berkeley in 1992. His 1993 ANFIS paper receives more than ten thousand citations according to Google Scholar. After obtaining his Ph.D., he joined MathWorks to coauthor the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (for MATLAB). He has since cultivated a keen interest in implementing software of industrial strength for machine learning and computational intelligence. Prof. Jang’s research interests include machine learning and pattern recognition, with applications to various areas of multimedia analysis (including music analysis/retrieval, speech recognition/assessment/synthesis, image classification), FinTech (including customer labeling, opinion mining), and medical data analysis (medial record analysis). He served as the General Chair for ISMIR-2014 at Taipei and a General Co-chair for ISMIR-2017 at Suzhou. He has lead his team to achieve excellent performance (including many top-1 rankings) in several tasks of MIREX (Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange) for years. For more info, see Jang’s homepage at (Google Scholar of 2017/10/29: citation of 39606, h-index of 44, i10-index of 301.)