

Stephen Payne
潘斯文  Stephen Payne

國立台灣大學應用力學研究所 教授



Stephen was awarded his DPhil (PhD) by the University of Oxford in 2001. Following a period as a post-doctoral researcher, he was then a Departmental Lecturer (2003), University Lecturer (2006), Associate Professor (2015), and Full Professor (2018) at the University of Oxford. Since 1st August 2021, he has been a Full Professor at the Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University. He has been awarded a Yushan Scholarship for 2021-24 and is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Oxford. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the journal Medical Engineering and Physics. His research interests lie in the computational modelling of cerebral blood flow and metabolism, with particular interests in the control of cerebral blood flow. He has published >100 journal papers and 3 books and supervised 26 PhD students to successful completion. He has chaired a number of international conferences, as well as organising the UK Royal Society meeting on ‘Integrated Control of Cerebral Blood Flow’ in 2018.