Liang-Chia Chen

國立臺灣大學機械工程學系 終身特聘教授
Prof. Liang-Chia Chen is currently working as a distinguished professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of National Taiwan University (NTU). He obtained his Ph.D. in advanced manufacturing and mechanical engineering at the Centre for Manufacturing Research (CAMR), the University of South Australia in 2000. Prior to embarking on his teaching career in Taiwan, he worked as a full-time research engineer in Gerard Industries of Australia for four years and Institute of nuclear energy research (INER) of Taiwan for five years. Before joining NTU, he worked as a distinguished professor in National Taipei University of Technology. He was the winner of the outstanding research award from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan in 2016, National year invention gold awards consecutively in 2013 & 2014 and received the 2014 outstanding award on technology transfer from MOST of Taiwan. His major research fields are in precision metrology and manufacturing, automated optical inspection (AOI), opto mechatronics instrumentation, and 3-D machine vision and algorithms for automation. To date, he has published one textbook, two book chapters, more than 100 referred journal papers and more than 60 invention patents internationally. He is currently served as the president of the international committee of measurement and instrumentation (ICMI). He is a member of SPIE, the society of Taiwan precision engineering, the Institution of Engineers of Australia (IEA), SME and Chinese Institute of Engineers.