

[演講公告] How to Develop Machine Learning Models for Healthcare 

講題:How to Develop Machine Learning Models for Healthcare 
時間:108年1月2日(星期三)AM 10:00-12:00
地點:台大醫院西址(舊院,台大醫院捷運站二號出口) 第七講堂
主辦單位:臺大醫院 醫學研究部
Advances in machine learning (ML) and the availability of digitized healthcare data have contributed to a growing number of studies in ML applications for healthcare. A common goal of these ML models is to improve patient care, both for clinicians and patients. In this talk, I will discuss the importance of the intended use of the ML model and its role throughout the translational process: problem selection, data collection, ML model development, validation, assessment of impact, deployment, and monitoring. I will share several latest development from our team in the space of ophthalmology and pathology in this framework. 
Po-Hsuan (Cameron) Chen is a member of Google AI working on machine learning and healthcare. His primary research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning, deep learning, medical imaging, and computational neuroscience. His research focuses on developing machine learning models for large-scale medical imaging analysis problems, such as cancer detection in histopathology images and multi-subject brain state classification with functional MRI data. Besides, he has also worked on several theoretical and applied machine learning projects in various domains at Princeton, Amazon, Palantir, Intel Labs, and Vatic Labs. He received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Neuroscience from Princeton University and BS in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University. Po-Hsuan was also a recipient of the Google PhD Fellowship.
活動聯絡人: 謝淑芬 博士
Tel: +886 2 3366 8688
E-mail: shufenghsieh@ntu.edu.tw