

[活動宣傳] 2/1 日本學者訪台交流座談會
中心將於2024年2月1日下午2:00 - 4:00,於資工系德田館210會議室舉行演講座談會,

講題:Scene Understanding Research in RIKEN Guardian Robot Project
川西康友博士為日本理化研究所的研究員,主持 Multimodal Data Recognition Research Team實驗室。他的研究專長為機器人視覺,近年並負責一項大型陪伴機器人計畫 The Guardian Robot Project。本次演講中將分享該計畫的經驗與成果。
The Guardian Robot Project (GRP) promoted by RIKEN aims to develop autonomous robots that make people feel they have their own "mind." Towards realizing the robots, 6 laboratories are working together on AI and Robotics research. In this talk, I will introduce the project and our scene understanding research working in my laboratory.
Yasutomo Kawanishi is the team leader of the Multimodal Data Recognition Research Team at the RIKEN Guardian Robot Project (GRP). He is a visiting professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST). His main research areas are computer vision and pattern recognition.

講題:Digital Archaeology: AI in Identification of Bird Bones, and Digital Cultural Heritage
TETSUO SHOJI received his B.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics and Informatics from Ryukoku University, Japan, in 1997 and 2003, respectively. He focused on researching digital archives of classics and rare books during his postdoctoral fellowship at Ryukoku University in 2003. From 2004 to 2008, he was a researcher and an appointed assistant professor at Kyoto University, Japan, in charge of developing educational information systems and media. Since 2008, he has been an associate professor and then a professor at the Department of Sociology, Nara University, Japan. His research interests include computer vision for cultural heritage recognition. He devoted himself to field studies in Mongolia for decades, constructing the digital archive from the Bronze Age to the Qing Dynasty period.
